Prop ID: 7427
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1545: 2.4m bright blue dot matrix LED sign + Laptop controller
1546: 1.4metre, 18 character red LED scrolling matrix sign
2174: Four banks of four 4" LCD monitors
2428: Practical blue 6 inch square panel with illuminated buttons and 4 black knobs
3054: Racal Electronics 4 digit nixie tube counter/timer
3547: Companion empty mainframe computer desk to 3495
2745: Practical 1980s-1990s beige multisync CRT VGA 14" PC computer monitor
4003: Practical 6 bay walkie-talkie bulk charging bank for Motorola GP340/GP360
4207: Practical Samsung 40" flat screen monitor on tall wheeled stand
5294: Practical roll-bar free 14" CRT style beige computer monitor
1979: 4 digit film friendly up/down counter/clock with controlling laptop
2026: Huge 40 channel Soundcraft K3 theatre audio mixer
2089: Melford DU16-14 professional broadcast colour CRT monitors
2173: Three banks of four 4" LCD monitors
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