2418: Broadband Isotropic Probe (White ball on stick with black handheld gadget)
Add Prop
2138: Cryo cylinder
2617: Light box with 17cm x 3.5cm aperture.
2618: Internals of Tektronix 545A valve oscilloscope.
2960: Oval shaped slanting ventilation holes
1673: Hi-tech looking mounted practical circuit boards with twinkly LEDs
3274: Intricately machined aluminium plate
6588: Black Twinkly Desktop Box With Red & Blue LED's
2060: Practical period BBC studio huge domed coloured warning lamps
1890: Aluminium & Gold Plated compartmented Printed Circuit Board
1922: Twinkly practical desktop/shelf mounting boxes
5754: Laser Area Sign
1924: Black tower PC with coloured twinkling LEDs
3773: Charcoal Grey Twinkly Desktop Box With Red & Blue LED's
2325: Industrial looking panel with metal screw cap
2240: Camera Interface Assembly splitter box
3655: Hanging LED Opening Hours Business Sign
2141: Retro looking space/fire resistant helmets
3389: Neon wine bar wall mounted sign
3716: High tech circularly polarised microwave radio aerials/antennas
4132: Hand Held Geiger Counter
3462: Selection of detailed Printed Circuit boards with colourful components, repeating detail
6434: Thrustmaster Hotas Warthog Joystick
4784: Aluminium Christmas Tree Shaped Heat Sinks
4775: Intricate gold plated military communications Printed Circuit Board
2096: Example Selection of wire-wrap printed circuit boards
2122: Intricately machined metal block - technical shape
2225: Examples of our Various circuitry components
2558: SciFi looking illuminated light box with bottom lit drawer and technical looking components
3769: Distressed small sloping console control box with linear faders
1677: Shiny perspex laboratory prop
1855: Giant desktop fader or big lever switch with T handle
3199: Very cool looking radial copper wire coil assembly
2140: Transparent printed circuit acetate
1789: Printed Circuit Boards - blank, unpopulated
3605: Selection of large PCBs with big bold colourful components, copper wire coils etc
3622: Finned aluminium goldy coloured heatsink assembly with diode
3669: Hi tech copper cooler assemblies, interesting shapes
3800: Vintage metal rectifiers, interesting finned technical shapes
3936: Intricately machined, detailed aluminium blocks - radio frequency filters, separators
4081: Metal turbine or rocket engine shape with wiring connected electrical box
4406: Very visual electric motor stators with multiple radial wound copper coils
4811: Very cool looking radial copper wire coil assembly
3546: 55"x 14" Very Colourful "Get Rich" Illuminated Box Light
3642: Intricately machined Metal printed Circuit Board compartments
3848: Selection of Computer Components (14pcs)
4111: Blue LED Magnetic Lights
4249: 36 Light LED RGB Disco Lamp With Multiple Settings
4546: 1950s style Microwave Leakage Monitor in bulgy red shape with pistol grip
4868: Cardioctograph
4884: Medical Patient Simulator
5083: Fukuda Electrocardiograph
5750: Very large black finned Heatsink
6615: Keypad Control Panel
6787: CelluLink 301
6788: Computer Component
6789: Computer Component
6790: Computer Component
6791: Computer Component
7132: Light Up Display Box
7146: Futuristic giant transparent plastic bottles, space suit air tank etc
7628: Hi-tech server CPU cooler/heatsink
© 2025 Film Medical Services Ltd