Excuse the reflected light from the top surface. They're really all black. These can be hired individually or as a whole system as pictured.
Prop ID: 1949
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3485: Practical stacking black Kenwood mini HiFi system with amplifier/tuner & separate CD player (distressed)
3106: Professional Pioneer genlockable DVD player for roll-bar prevention on CRT monitors
6821: Practical Technics mini HiFi system with separate amp, tuner, twin cassette deck
1951: Pioneer hi-fi amplifier/receiver in brushed aluminium with wooden sides & top
1623: Compact 1990s Technics hi-fi audio amplifier
2464: Practical Sony cassette recorder/player (Sony Stereo Cassette-Corder TC - 121)
3801: Part practical Sony micro/mini HiFi system with cassette, tuner, amplifier
3698: Panasonic Amplifier & Stereo Tuner HiFi Setup
3440: Combined VCR/Video Cassette Recorder & DVD player
5382: Practical 19" Akura LCD Television/monitor with built in DVD player
2083: Part Practical Neal 4201 police style twin video DVD & audio cassette interview recorder
1952: Aiwa hi-fi amplifier/receiver in brushed aluminium with wooden sides & top
2490: Large period external CCTV camera housing with red warning lamp
2388: Media Player for TVs, video monitors or LCD screens
2431: Period Fidelity "Dansette" style gramophone/vinyl record player
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