Different numbers can be spun up on the edge operated thumb wheel switches as if for a multi digit coded lock
Prop ID: 3340
Width: 20 cm
Age: 1970s - 1990s
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1452: Control panel with programmable countdown timer
1674: Practical small digital display panel & LEDs prop with thumbwheel switches
2066: Fully practical 40 floor internal lift panel with digital floor indicator
1454: Practical hi-tech looking mounted circuit boards with many twinkly coloured LEDs.
2750: Practical duck egg blue navy panel with illuminated legended buttons & switched LEDs.
2751: Practical duck egg blue navy panel with illuminated legended buttons & switched LEDs
2345: Aluminium 19" rack panels with digital number displays
2455: Green (Dual Panel) security alarm panel with key switches
2754: Practical navy panel with square illuminated buttons & twin key switches
2425: Practical turquoise military panel with red lever switches and lights
3547: Companion empty mainframe computer desk to 3495
1979: 4 digit film friendly up/down counter/clock with controlling laptop
3380: Practical very large industrial control panel with analogue meters, gauges, switches and coloured lamps
2428: Practical blue 6 inch square panel with illuminated buttons and 4 black knobs
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