Prop ID: 2913
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2534: Rextron Video (VGA) splitter/booster box, multiple monitor driver + power supply & cable
1790: Assorted dummy cables for lie detectors/polygraphs
4184: Chunky black headphones with long curly cable & 1/4" jack plug
1750: Large - Heavy duty cable drums on frames
4169: Assorted flexible crinkly cable conduit lengths
2106: Medium sized - Heavy duty cable drums on frames
2107: Small sized - Heavy duty cable drums on frames
1905: Console panel with rainbow umbilical cable
1966: Rainbow ribbon cable on spools
2478: Crate of mixed very colourful wires & cables
2479: Crate of assorted rainbow coloured ribbon cable
2480: Crate of audio/recording studio/music band connecting cables
2481: Crate of plain black cables
2482: Crate of neutral grey cables
2483: Crate of braided copper/goldy coloured sciency cables with knobbly metal connectors
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