Prop ID: 5732
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3984: Practical Sony ~ICF-PRO80 professional hand-held radio scanner/receiver
4090: Large, bulky 1980s walkie-talkie radio with optional shoulder case & vehicle charger cradle
2011: Yaesu practical radio transmitter/receiver.
2128: Example Selection of practical base station or vehicle mounted CB/radio transceivers
6680: Grundig multi-band 1980s transistor radio with large tuning scale, telescopic aerial
2800: Radiohomer Marine/boat radio direction finder
4806: Silver plated military radio tuning component/technical shapes
4283: 1980's - 1990's Beige Murphy Richards Telephone With Radio & Alarm
3964: 1980s Schneider multiband radio
3851: Non Practical Panasonic 1980's Radio Cassette Player
3354: Trio TR-7800 Radio transceiver
5182: SHARP Practical 1980s portable TV/boom box/ghetto blaster, cassette recorder & radio
1569: Example selection of base station or vehicle mounted radio transceivers
1570: Marinetta lifeboat radio
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