This was designed to synchronise with a slide projector. That was how multimedia presentations were done back then before Powerpoint.
Prop ID: 1962
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5182: SHARP Practical 1980s portable TV/boom box/ghetto blaster, cassette recorder & radio
1856: Marantz reporters portable cassette tape recorder
2815: Hanimex Synchrocorder desktop cassette recorder
4188: Portable 1970s cassette tape recorder/player in silver & black
3694: Practical professional portable Uher cassette tape recorder with illuminated VU meter
2474: Period Philips cassette recorder/player with carry case and mic
1918: 1980s portable Sony cassette recorder
3435: Portable VHS VCR/Video Cassette Recorder with shoulder strap
3437: Practical 1980s top loading BETAMAX VCR/Video cassette Recorder
4091: Practical Sony compact cassette tape recorder/player with microphone & speaker
1841: Non-practical Uher reporter's portable reel to reel tape recorder
2217: 1980's style single cassette deck
2417: Vintage Silver Mini Cassette recorder (Grundig Stenorette 2300)
2464: Practical Sony cassette recorder/player (Sony Stereo Cassette-Corder TC - 121)
2825: Practical portable Sony Cassette player
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