Unusual key layout on this keyboard as it resembles IBM's keyboard F but with the extra numeric keypad & cursor control keys on the right.
Prop ID: 1771
Age: 1980s
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4403: 1980s - early 1990s beige PC computer keyboards
2745: Practical 1980s-1990s beige multisync CRT VGA 14" PC computer monitor
2711: Original 1980s IBM PC/XT 5150/5160 base processor unit
4090: Large, bulky 1980s walkie-talkie radio with optional shoulder case & vehicle charger cradle
1445: Practical period IBM computer, monitor & keyboard
1487: Dealer/trader keyboards
6564: Black & beige 1970s-1980s Keyboard
1441: Non-practical 1980s IBM Computer, monitor and keyboard
1824: Large practical 1980s office fax machine
2108: Stylish 1970s-1980s stalk computer terminal with keyboard
3605: Selection of large PCBs with big bold colourful components, copper wire coils etc
3200: Small footprint server style PC computer keyboard
3487: Practical 1980s phone console with CRT screen & pull-out keyboard
7635: Large crate of interesting, complex Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs)
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