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Part practical large floor-standing 8 pen lie detector/alternative fact tester

Part practical large floor-standing 8 pen lie detector/alternative fact tester
Part practical large floor-standing 8 pen lie detector/alternative fact tester
Part practical large floor-standing 8 pen lie detector/alternative fact tester
Part practical large floor-standing 8 pen lie detector/alternative fact tester

Grass Instruments 7D polygraph made in the USA. This is a very serious piece of floor standing equipment that's even up to the job of analysing Trump tweets. With no less than 8 twitching pens recording on 16" wide moving paper all capable of responding from separate inputs. Wonderful array of stylish knobs & switches on the vertical control panel add to the detail. Can also be used for displaying any kind of slow electrical activity either from the human body or complex electronic monitoring. This is supplied with external wired out of shot touch sensitive pads which directly control the movements of the pens. Please note that the pen & paper move but the pens are obsolete & no longer capable of drawing inked lines. It is possible to pre-draw your own zig-zag lines on the paper.

Prop ID: 2013






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