This is almost entirely silver plated which over the years, has tarnished to the brownish colour you see now.
Prop ID: 3288
Width: 11 cm
Height: 11 cm
Depth: 9 cm
Age: 1960s-1980s
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4806: Silver plated military radio tuning component/technical shapes
4805: Silver plated military metal slab covered in intricate fasteners
2638: Wonderfully detailed, gold plated, military, compartmentalised printed circuit boards with metal surrounds
4799: Silver plated military radio component assembly
2895: Period grey military Marconi radio frequency signal generator
3290: Practical ruggedised military oscillator/battlefield radio with illuminated tuning dial & crinkly knobs
3305: Practical WW2 military "radio" with illuminated tuning windows & pull out code drawer
3120: Practical period military radio in desktop cabinet
2882: Practical Russian/Soviet Union cold war era military radio transmitter racks
2087: Military Clansman radio/phone handsets
2314: Green Military radio equipment (Racal Syncal 30)
2281: Green military radio equipment (radio frequency headband unit)
2731: Practical world war 2 RCA AR88 military radio receiver
3195: Silver plated metal slab covered in intricate fasteners
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