This is required to feed a video signal into the aerial socket of an older style TV that doesn't have a direct video connection or SCART socket.
Prop ID: 2393
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1442: UHF/RF TV modulator for connecting video signals to older TVs
1781: Practical Microvitec Cub 14" colour CRT monitor for BBC micro or CCTV use
2667: Fully practical 405 line era PYE V4 TV from the 1950s in veneered wooden cabinet
2490: Large period external CCTV camera housing with red warning lamp
2388: Media Player for TVs, video monitors or LCD screens
3215: Practical 1980s 22.5" colour TV with wood effect cabinet & roundy cornered CRT
3264: Practical 1990s 22.5" TV with dummy colour LED backlit screen
7600: Practical 1950s-1960s period Radio Frequency signal generator for workshop testing of radios
2872: Practical 1980s/90s 16.5" Ferguson 37801 colour CRT TV
2873: Practical 1980s/90s 14.5" Ferguson 37141 colour CRT TV
2874: Practical 1980s-1990s Panasonic TC-430G 15" portable colour CRT TV
3316: Fully practical early 1960s, 19" black & white TV
7606: Complex looking period toroidal transformer with multiple coloured wires
2079: Large practical, period, 20 channel audio mixer for touring/studio. 1960s-1970s
2572: Period beige fist microphone with black curly lead
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