The microphone does not look easily detachable. These were probably for a specific industrial or military application
Prop ID: 3664
Age: 1980s?
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4054: 1970s-1980s headphones with stalk microphones/headsets
1682: Chunky Black Headset With Microphone
3641: Run Of Modern Call Centre/Control Room Single Ear Headsets With Stalk Microphone
7598: Chunky black & white period headset with adjustable stalk microphone
7599: Period headset with very visible microphone on wire stalk
2795: Vintage 1930s-1940s hand-held stalk microphones
2326: Airlite62 pale grey communications headsets with stalk mic
3122: Chunky headsets with prominent stalk microphones
2108: Stylish 1970s-1980s stalk computer terminal with keyboard
4040: 1980s mimimalist Walkman style headphones
4091: Practical Sony compact cassette tape recorder/player with microphone & speaker
2117: Very smart Sennheiser desk console stalk/goose neck microphone
3290: Practical ruggedised military oscillator/battlefield radio with illuminated tuning dial & crinkly knobs
3631: Selection of professional lapel/lavalier (clip-on) miniature microphones for TV interviews etc
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