entered as 1995
Prop ID: 5412
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2359: Large, practical 1950s-1960s era switch & coloured lamps control panel
2155: Large practical metallic blue electrical control box with switchable lamps
2617: Light box with 17cm x 3.5cm aperture.
2991: Electrical control box innards with wiring loom, circuit breakers, timers, PLC etc
7581: Large admiralty blue Navy electrical control box with analogue meter modules
2127: Russian/cold war era electrical switch box with working indicators
3198: Practical customisable alarm control panel with remote switchable red lamps & key switches
1442: UHF/RF TV modulator for connecting video signals to older TVs
2169: Practical rotating radar/satellite/microwave communications dish
2497: Hewlett - Packard "Plotter" control box
3983: Period laboratory 4 decade electrical resistance box or audio controller
2735: Practical large black electrical control box with coloured square lamps & adjustable current meter
2992: Electrical control box innards with wiring loom, circuit breakers, timers, PLC etc
2017: Practical, large, heavy electrical control box with meters, lamps & switches
2018: Practical, large heavy electrical control box with working switches & lamps
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