This is the type of microphone that would have been supplied with early reel to reel tape recorders
Prop ID: 4059
Age: 1950s
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3279: Selection of 1960s-1970s consumer grade hand-held microphones
3374: Practical 1950s-1960s Grundig TK5 Reel to Reel tape recorder with built in speaker
1485: Period Ferrograph reel to reel tape recorder.
3999: Practical 1950s period Hi-Lyte 35mm slide projector in silver Hammerite
2410: Period "practical dummy" teleprinter, telex, Teletype, ticker tape machine
4091: Practical Sony compact cassette tape recorder/player with microphone & speaker
6682: Small tape recorder table microphone
2359: Large, practical 1950s-1960s era switch & coloured lamps control panel
3009: Practical 1950s-1960s taxi/police car radio transmitter/receiver
3872: Assorted period microphones - desk top & hand held
3365: Silver handheld microphone
3242: Period 1950s palm of hand microphone
5880: WW2 period black bakelite hand-held microphone with Press To Talk switch
3799: Period metal 8.25" tape reels for 1950s-1960s tape recorders
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