Plenty of visual interest from The LEDs & digital displays.
Prop ID: 1799
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2545: Practical Hewlett Packard 5000A logic analyser laboratory instrument
2144: Laboratory absorption measuring instrument
2045: Practical HP SWR laboratory electronic instrument with analogue meter
2967: Practical Hewlett Packard 3312A laboratory sweep frequency function generator/wobble box for oscilloscopes
2912: Practical Hewlett Packard 3764A digital communications analyser with red numeric LED displays
3962: Practical "biochem" laboratory instrument with blue & white screen & strip printer
2115: Practical 1960s period laboratory oscillator/radio test set
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2904: Practical Thurlby laboratory intelligent digital multimeter
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2497: Hewlett - Packard "Plotter" control box
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2295: Practical dekatron/rotary Nixie tube Geiger counters/timers
1609: Datacomms practical laboratory instrument with yellow screen.
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