Prop ID: 3243
Age: 1980s-1990s
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3084: 1980s-1990s Technics hi-fi vinyl turntable/record player
4536: Record player/vinyl turntable - Dual 505
4540: Beogram 3300 linear tracking record player/vinyl turntable
2431: Period Fidelity "Dansette" style gramophone/vinyl record player
3928: Period vintage Columbia record player/gramophone
6705: Practical, basic, compact 1970s hi-fi system with vinyl turntable, amp & speakers
3703: 1987 Bang & Olufsen Beogram 3300 Record Deck Turntable
3317: Practical portable period DJ/disco console with twin turntables, LEDs, faders etc
4529: Technics SLJ1 linear tracking record player/vinyl turntable
4530: Technics SL-150 record player/vinyl turntable
4531: Practical Panasonic SL-H304 record player/vinyl turntable
4534: Vinyl turntable/record player by Dual
5692: Sony record player/vinyl turntable
1917: 8 track stereo cartridge jingles tapes in rotating carousel
2439: Wooden Finish Turntable (DOMUS BD 2000)
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