We have a run of 3 of these popular British telex printers/terminals from the 1980s. One is practical and can print prepared text on request.
Prop ID: 1528
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2112: BT Cheetah 1980s telex machine/terminal
2838: Green 1980's BT Viscount telephone
4052: Red 1980's BT Viscount telephone
4291: Burned orange 1980's BT Viscount telephone
4292: White 1980's BT Viscount telephone
4293: Cream 1980's BT Viscount telephone
2145: 1980s Siemens T1000 printing telex terminal/teleprinter
1624: Bank of 8 small 1980s monochrome CRT monitors
2030: 1960s-1970s practical ASR33 Teletype/teleprinter/telex terminal with ticker tape
2081: 1980s - 1990s office photocopier photocopy
1504: Fully practical period teleprinter, telex, Teletype, ticker tape machine
1526: Data Dynamics 1970s telex terminal/printer
1824: Large practical 1980s office fax machine
1870: Practical 1980s - 1990s dot matrix printer
4054: 1970s-1980s headphones with stalk microphones/headsets
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