entered as 2033
Prop ID: 6395
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1988: 1970s VDU/computer terminal
1581: Practical Lear Siegler ADM3A VDU computer terminal from 1974
2692: Hewlett Packard 3396 desktop chromatography printing computer
2108: Stylish 1970s-1980s stalk computer terminal with keyboard
3566: Practical 1970s VDU/computer terminal for mainframe access
2030: 1960s-1970s practical ASR33 Teletype/teleprinter/telex terminal with ticker tape
1997: 1970s VDU/computer terminal monitor on a stalk
3547: Companion empty mainframe computer desk to 3495
1797: 1970s computer reel to reel tape drive
4395: Transparent box of black 1990s computer floppy disks
4398: Sinclair ZX Spectrum 1980s home computer
3495: Early mainframe computer operator's console/desk with illuminated lamps & switches
5124: Non-practical 1980s VDU/Computer Terminal
6387: Retro Computer Terminal 1
1441: Non-practical 1980s IBM Computer, monitor and keyboard
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