entered as 4210
Prop ID: 4584
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2583: Large squat shaped PA/Tannoy speakers
2446: Bell & Howell 2592 16mm film Projector and Speaker
3767: 1940s WW2 R208 radio panels with speaker grill, meter & large tuning knob
6677: 1940s WW2 R208 radio panels with speaker grill, meter & large tuning knob
1538: Tannoy type large PA public address horn loudspeakers
1694: Practical retro computer rack with 2 pairs of large rotating reel 2 reel tape spools
3666: WW2/1930s period mottled brown bakelite speaker - original patina
2584: Large retro industrial horn type PA loudspeaker
2487: Modern, large glass fronted server racks
2464: Practical Sony cassette recorder/player (Sony Stereo Cassette-Corder TC - 121)
2581: Selection of smaller horn/Tannoy style Public Address loudspeakers
2582: Run of stylish, silver tubular wall mount speakers
2639: Practical large screened laboratory X-Y displays
2730: Practical very large screen oscilloscope display
2731: Practical world war 2 RCA AR88 military radio receiver
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